Saturday 6 August 2011

The Hoochie Woochie Brewery

The Hoochie Woochie Brewery Company was set up by myself, Simon Walsh and Matthew Griffiths in my garage in Cockermouth Cumbria in September 2010, when we decided to have our first bash at all grain brewing combined with all day drinking.

The first beer we made was Cheeky Blonde, a classic English blonde ale that caused Matthew 2nd degree burns from hot wort and myself to nearly die of cold whilst attempting to cool it. Hooked, I brewed our first batch of Here Come The Belgians, a dark Trappist style ale the very next day.

Several garage floodings, hop fountains and blocked taps later, I moved up to Scotland, but the spirit and the beer lives on. At present we have brewed 5 different ales

Cheeky Blonde- English Blonde Ale
Here Come The Belgians- Dark Trappist style
Minnie's Strawberry Beer- Strawberry Lambic
A Wheat beer, who's name escapes me
Oscar's Tripel- A Belgian Tripel.

Join me for live blogs of brew days, tasting notes, local beer news and more!

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