Saturday, 6 August 2011

Strong Golden Ale

Today, I'm going to be posting throughout the process of making a Belgian Strong Golden Ale (to be named later, after I've tasted it!) updates will be posted during the day, so do keep checking back.

The idea here isn't to simply bore you with a list of numbers or science lessons. I want to share how I make beer so I, and people reading, can hopefully learn from others. I want to share our recipes on here as well, I don't believe that making beer should be a "black art" that you have to pick up little snippets as you go along and ruin batches before you hit upon something you want to drink. I also think that you could have all the same ingredients, equipment etc. and still not make the same beer. People are different and this shows through in their brewing.

So, why a Strong Golden? Well, obviously, the benchmark is always going to be Duvel. The "king of beers" is loved the world over, it has a fantastic colour, it's super dry with the hops giving it a real bitter bite and has a brillant, fruity flavour. But if I wanted a Duvel, I could go to Morrissons and buy one. My aim with this is to replicate that dryness and bitterness, but with a slightly darker, maltier beer.

Brew blog to follow!

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